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Our Events

Turkmenistan – Heart of the Great Silk Road

EU-Partner and Investment Forum and Workshop

September 05 – 06, 2018, Vienna

Organiser of this Event is the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and their Viennese office Verein zur Förderung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Turkmenistan und Österreich

About this event

Date: 05. – 06. September 2018

Place: Hotel Savoyen Vienna, Rennweg 16, 1030 Vienna

With over 90 entrepreneurs from Turkmenistan, representing the flagship companies of Turkmen economy and over 140 of their European counterparts our Investment and Partnership Forum „Turkmenistan – Heart of the Great Silk Road“ in Vienna proved to be an impressive success in terms of both networking possibilities and expert knowledge exchange.

The largest in history delegation of Turkmen business in Europe was flanked by high ranking officials.

On the ground of diverse and conclusive presentations the participants were involved in stimulating exchange of ideas during the general part of the forum and could gain some first-hand practical knowledge by visiting some of the leading Austrian companies in the fields of logistics, agriculture, farming, as well as meat and milk processing.


The direct negotiations of prospective partners on the side lines of the event proved to be especially fruitful. Not less than 12 Memoranda of Understanding were signed during the closing ceremony of the forum.


During the work-shops of the second day of the forum the participants had a chance to deepen their knowledge on selected aspects of the businesses at hand.

The over-all friendly and collegial atmosphere of the event and the rigid interest from both sides indicate, that we are at the threshold to a new intensification of economic relations between Turkmenistan and Europe.